How to Avoid Unnecessary Snacking at Home

Aug 01, 2020

Many of you are at home more than you used to be or some of you might even be home all the time now.  There are many good things about that but one of the biggest challenges people have been facing with being home all day for many weeks in a row is that they tend to go through their snacks quickly. Not only is this going to be hard on your figure, but it might make you feel sluggish, and also cost you more money overall on your food budget.

Here are a few tips that can help you control some of the extra snacking you have been doing.


Keep Snacks Out of Sight

This old rule is great for so many reasons. When you see something right in front of you and are constantly reminded it is there, your brain tends to want it whether your stomach is hungry or not. Instead of having extra temptations you don’t need, keep your snacks in the cabinet, fridge, or a snack drawer. When you are hungry, you will remember they are there, but won’t grab a cookie or handful of chips every time you go to the kitchen just because you see them sitting there on the counter.


Have Designated Snack Windows During the Day

 It can also help to stick to some kind of schedule or routine, not just with your activities, but meal and snack times. Think about what your routine was like before. You likely had 3 meals a day around the same time, with a couple snacks in the morning or afternoon. You can still do this while at home! Choose a schedule that works for you, and try not to eat any snacks outside of the designated snack window. It will make you think twice when you go for an extra granola bar, when you know your snack time is coming up in an hour or so.


Stay Busy and Distracted

A lot of times, snacking while at home isn’t from hunger or even cravings, but from boredom. The best way to combat this is by staying busy. Find a new hobby, learn a language or new skill, play with your dogs or kids or do a puzzle. Try to find more activities that keep you occupied during the day.


Know When You Tend to Snack

Lastly, be aware of your own triggers or when you tend to go for snacks. Maybe this is when you get bored, or when you are procrastinating from doing chores. You might eat snacks just because you see them there, or because someone else in the house is eating. For other people, it is more likely after getting stressed from the news or to deal with difficult emotions.


None of these are a bad thing, but the more aware you are, the more you can prepare for it.

Remember Knowledge is super powerful!  Knowing your own body is one of the best ways to get and stay healthy and balanced! 

PS:  If you want more help I have some specific programs that you might be interested in!  Click HERE to learn more.

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